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Monday, November 10, 2008

A letter to a dear friend


It is a beautiful day in America.

I think it's wonderful that we can elect a black man as president. I always knew it was possible, but I honestly thought it would be from the party that was founded to end slavery, not the party that ran the Jim-Crow south.

However, did it have to be a socialist? Do we really have to kill the republic to do it? Make no mistake; that is exactly what the democrats will do. They and the republicans have been running a constitutional republic as if it was a democracy for 80 years, and I fear that this is the icing on that particular cake. We must have some joint effort to keep a viable civilization, but what makes them believe that they can pull-off such mass collectivization when the effort to do so keeps every country that has attempted it on the verge of bankruptcy?

What gives them the right to confiscate the money that has been earned by me and give it to someone who has not? I don't "exploit the masses." I'm guilty of no crime that would warrant such a seizure. Shouldn't charity be a personal choice rather than at the point of the Internal Revenue's gun?

I really don't look forward to being triaged by our coming national health service. (That's what would happen to me in England today because of my health. I would be denied any services.) And that's what our new President is going to bring. My life will quite literally be shortened by yesterdays vote.

Don't think I'm any more pleased with the republicans. They have proven themselves to be as great a mass of self-serving and incompetent fools as has ever been assembled and to have them out on their rear ends is good riddance to bad trash, but this is too far a swing away from the center.

Remember the practical definition of a democracy: Two wolves and one sheep voting on dinner. The sheep will lose every time.

But do enjoy the sunshine of the victory!

I only pray that his national police force doesn't find any of our future actions objectionable. (I believe that this missive would be enough) Ask yourself why a President of the United States, the leader of the strongest armed force on the planet, would need a private domestic armed force that he says he wants of equal strength to the military. Want to make a bet that they won't be subject to 'Posse Comitatus'? Name the amount and I'll cover the bet. (FYI: The Posse Comitatus Act limits the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement.) He wants a national police force in case he needs to use it against the citizenry! There is no other logical reason for a State Police. This guy's world-view terrifies me.

Remember that while the democrats are quick to call conservatives Nazi's, the National Socialist Party of Germany was in fact a liberal, socialist movement. They too were welcomed into power with much rejoicing and with a leader with incredible personal magnetism.
They enacted a "Fairness Doctrine" to control the media.
They nationalized the health services.
They radicalized the school systems.
They preached against the excesses of capitalism.
They grabbed control of entire industries via the unions.

That experiment did not turn out well.

I hope and pray that your confidence in Comrade President Obama is warranted. I hope he winds up being a brilliant president and leads us wisely. I pray to God-on-high that this will be so. I hope the rainbows and unicorns he's conjured in his speeches appear. But as of now, all I can go on is what the man has said concerning his policies, and what he has said, the words I've heard from his very lips, give me no comfort.

Welcome to the Peoples Republic of the United States.



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