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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In reply to my 2009-02-08 post:

Geeze Demosthenes!

My point was not to upset you, not even so much about the package, because I myself don't really see how that will work, my point was that this is a different kind of a presidency who is reaching out and wants the involvement of the people, and wants them to be informed and to participate in their government. I think that is so cool! I know that this thing is terrible, I know that most of the mess is because of taking on so much debt and making unsecured and high risk loans which most of us had nothing to do with, and gambling done on wall street, all while we were working and raising families and paying bills, and none of it is fair to the majority of the people of this country. I don't believe that anyone knows the extent of this mess nor how to fix it, but we can't just sit still and do nothing while the entire economy collapses. Send your ideas to Washington, I really believe that people have an ear there now and are being heard. That it is a new time for our country and from this time forward in history working in Washington and the government will be forever changed.

Anyway I am fine.......broke, but fine and happy none the less.

wishing you peace of mind


To whit I answered:


You are correct. This is a different kind of presidency.

This is the kind of presidency where Himself can admit in his O’Reilly interview that he knows you grow the economy with tax cuts. Then, in a spirit of bi-partisanship, tell the republicans “I won!” to shut them up when they suggested cutting taxes for the people who actually pay taxes. He told O’Reilly he was more interested in ‘fairness’.

I continually send my ideas to D.C. I’m that arrogant, but they aren’t actually listening to everyone. They are listening only to their base which is going to drag us into a socialist regime. This is not hyperbole. Check out the cover of News Week magazine this week. They aren’t conservatives ‘freaking out’. I honestly don’t see this as cool in any way. Himself is showing me nothing I find comforting and I’ve followed politics since I was a kid. My dad was a republican party delegate and I caught the bug. I know how these critters work and this is not going to end well.

Greenspan offered a solution over a year ago: he suggested that the Imperial Federal Government simply buy the bad debt from the banks and bulldoze the affected houses. He estimated this would cost about $600 billion and would have cured the banks and brought the housing inventory back down to a rational level. And it would have forced the homeowners, who lied about their incomes to get these huge houses, back into an apartment where they should have been anyway.

I would have added to this list a suggestion to publicly lash the loan officers and mortgage underwriters and lying home owners on the local courthouse steps. Then I would have Barney Frank and Harry Reid, who protected and fostered the sale of these securities through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, lashed on pay-per-view. This would be the highest grossing television ever.

Anyway, I’d like to hear from you what the administration is doing that you see as great advances. Very few liberals I’ve known would ever defend their position beyond justifying it with, “I just feel that this is right.” That’s one of the things I like about you. You are capable of rational thought. So tell me how you see your parties goals and what kind of America you see them creating.

Who knows, maybe you’ll persuade me.

I’m glad you’re fine and happy and sad for the broke. That pretty much sums up my life as well.

I just started work on the first new house we’ve had since October 3rd. I’m not busy by my standards, but so far I’m keeping a roof over my head.


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