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Saturday, February 21, 2009

To Her Excellency The President Of Ireland

Madame President McAleese,

The ‘Irish miracle’ was founded on making Ireland the most attractive place to do business in Europe. You’ve done that and succeed in spite of E.U. skepticism. For this I congratulate you on a job well done. I have, however, a suggestion to return your economy to growth even in light of the present fiasco caused by the opportunists and over-zealous do-gooders in my own country. It is simply this: extend an offer of citizenship and a guarantee of property rights coupled with your non-confiscatory tax system to the moneyed and skilled classes of the world. You are already known as a great place to do business – now provide a great place to shelter from the socialist storm we are now weathering.

I hope you are familiar with the novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Ayn Rand. While I am not a devout follower of her philosophy her points concerning ownership of intellectual and real property are valid in the extreme and are being assailed daily in my dear country. In the imagery of the novel, make of Ireland a “Galt’s Gulch” in reality.

With the problems inherent in the U.S. and with a new administration that is determined to repeat the disaster that was the Roosevelt administration I honestly don’t know if western-style capitalism can survive without a nation-state as champion. I have read that during the dark ages the monasteries of Ireland provided safe harbor for the knowledge base of the Roman Empire and thereby preserved our history while the rest of Europe was tearing itself apart. Perhaps history’s forces are once again calling on your people for a safe-harbor.

Thank you for the moment of your valuable time.

My Best Regards,

I'm thinking of sending this to her. What are your thoughts?

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